ince 2013, Scala Filtration has been delivering quality compressed air purification equipment and laboratory liquid nitrogen generators around the world.
To lean more about latest technology and solution to compressed air treatment and liquid nitrogen generation,please contact us immediately.
Compressed Air Treatment & Liquid Nitrogen Generator
Sucessful Case
- laboratory liquid nitrogen generator delivered to Tibet College of Agriculture and Animal HusbandryRecently, our company successfully supplied a self-developed laboratory liquid nitrogen generator for the Plant College of Tibet University of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, with a liquid nitrogen output of > 20 liters per day.Mar 1,2024
- 45m3/min tropical refrigerated compressed air dryer deliveried to ThailandScala filtration delivered one unit of tropical refrigerated compressed air dryer to ThailandSep 17,2016
- 17m3/min water cooled refrigerated air dryer delivered to MalaysiaScala Filtration delivered water-cooled refrigerated compressed air dryer to MalaysiaSep 17,2016
- Scala Filtration deliveried NPT compressed air filter to EcuadorScala Filtration deliveried a batch of water separato and compressed air filter to EcuadorOct 9,2015
- Scala Filtration delivered three unit of industrial water chillers to UkraineScala Filtration delivered three water chiller to Ukrainian customerSep 17,2016
- Scala deliveried compressed air filters to SingaporeScala deliveried a batch of F0370 compressed air filters for tunneling engineering project in SingaporeJul 1,2015
- 2 units of 23m3/min blower heated adsorption dryers deliveried to South East AsiaScala Filtration delivered two units of blower heated adsorption dryers to South East Asia,each dryer has flow capacity of 23Nm3/min, @7bargMay 6,2021
with pressure dew point of -40 ℃ - 1.7m3/min high temperature refrigerant compressed air dryers exported to SingaporeScala Filtration delivered two unit of 1.7m3/min high temperature refrigerant compressed air dryers to Singapore,the testing pressure dew point is +3 deg c ,pressure drop is less than 0.12 barFeb 19,2017
- Scala gets order to LN40 liquid nitrogen generator from BrazilScala gets order to LN40 liquid nitrogen generator from BrazilMar 3,2015
- Scala filtration delivered OEM heatless adsorption air dryer for well known brandScala Filtration deliveries OEM heatless adsorption air dryer for a well known brand in South East AsiaMay 19,2021
- SCD Series refrigerated compressed air dryers exported to European marketScala Filtration delivered one batched of SCD refrigerated compressed air dryer to EuropeFeb 18,2017
- LN40 liquid nitrogen generator system deliveried to BrazilScala deliveried LN40 liquid nitrogen generator system to Brazil. Customer operates cattle farm in remote area where getting liquid nitrogen is quite hard and high cost.Jul 1,2015
- LN20 Small Liquid Nitrogen Plant deliveried to Saudi Ariba UniversityScala deliveried one LN20 small liquid nitrogen plant to Saudi Ariba University.Jul 1,2015
- First LN240 liquid nitrogen plant ready for deliveryLN240 liquid nitrogen plant was finished production, it has four liquifiers, daily LN2 capacity is 240liter.Oct 9,2015
- LN120 liquid nitrogen generator system finishedLN120 skid-mounted liquid nitrogen generator system finishedOct 9,2015
- Australia-deliveried Kaeser alternative filter elementScala Filtration deliveried Kaeser alternative filter elementMar 11,2015
- Scala gets order to LN20 liquid nitrogen generator from Saudi ArabiaScala gets order to LN20 liquid nitrogen generator from Saudi ArabiaMar 3,2015
- Deliveried OEM yellow compressed air filter to EuropeScala deliveried a batch of yellow compressed air filter to EuropeNov 7,2014
- laboratory liquid nitrogen generator delivered to Tibet College of Agriculture and Animal HusbandryRecently, our company successfully supplied a self-developed laboratory liquid nitrogen generator for the Plant College of Tibet University of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, with a liquid nitrogen output of > 20 liters per day.
- Hangzhou Scala officially launched silent laboratory liquid nitrogen generatorAs a professional laboratory liquid nitrogen solution provider, Hangzhou Scala recently officially launched a new integrated liquid nitrogen generator, the equipment is small, low noise, high degree of automation, easy to use and maintain. After more than a year of internal testing, all parameters have met the expected requirements.