ince 2013, Scala Filtration has been delivering quality compressed air purification equipment and laboratory liquid nitrogen generators around the world.
Announcement: Cyndar is tracking the company's actions in response to the COVID-19 crisis and improving best practices to incentivize better business behaviors. We voluntarily reduce profits to help companies through their sadness. We sincerely wish you health
Compressed Air Treatment & Liquid Nitrogen Generator
Home / Index
- Hangzhou Scala officially launched silent laboratory liquid nitrogen generator
- laboratory liquid nitrogen generator delivered to Tibet College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
- 2 units of 23m3/min blower heated adsorption dryers deliveried to South East Asia
- Scala filtration delivered OEM heatless adsorption air dryer for well known brand
- Oversea customers visited our refrigerated compressed air dryer factory
- 46CFM refrigerated air dryer shows excellent pressure dew point
- 46CFM refrigerated air dryer shows excellent pressure dew point
- Common misunderstanding related to air compressor system
- Common wrong understanding related to compressed air treatment
- 10 steps to save energy for your compressed air system
- 1.7m3/min high temperature refrigerant compressed air dryers exported to Singapore
- SCD Series refrigerated compressed air dryers exported to European market
- Scala Filtration delivered three unit of industrial water chillers to Ukraine
- 45m3/min tropical refrigerated compressed air dryer deliveried to Thailand
- 17m3/min water cooled refrigerated air dryer delivered to Malaysia
- Scala Filtration deliveried NPT compressed air filter to Ecuador
- First LN240 liquid nitrogen plant ready for delivery
- LN120 liquid nitrogen generator system finished
- Scala deliveried compressed air filters to Singapore
- LN40 liquid nitrogen generator system deliveried to Brazil
- LN20 Small Liquid Nitrogen Plant deliveried to Saudi Ariba University
- Australia-deliveried Kaeser alternative filter element
- Scala gets order to LN20 liquid nitrogen generator from Saudi Arabia
- Scala gets order to LN40 liquid nitrogen generator from Brazil
- Deliveried OEM yellow compressed air filter to Europe
- laboratory liquid nitrogen generator delivered to Tibet College of Agriculture and Animal HusbandryRecently, our company successfully supplied a self-developed laboratory liquid nitrogen generator for the Plant College of Tibet University of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, with a liquid nitrogen output of > 20 liters per day.
- Hangzhou Scala officially launched silent laboratory liquid nitrogen generatorAs a professional laboratory liquid nitrogen solution provider, Hangzhou Scala recently officially launched a new integrated liquid nitrogen generator, the equipment is small, low noise, high degree of automation, easy to use and maintain. After more than a year of internal testing, all parameters have met the expected requirements.